
Monday, July 25, 2011

New Coins: Third Series

Bank Negara Malaysia is issuing commemorative coins to mark the new Third Series of the Malaysian coins which will be available for circulation early next year. Launched today by the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, the commemorative coins issued are in the denominations of 5 sen, 10 sen, 20 sen and 50 sen.

The new coins series draws inspiration from distinctive features that define the nation's rich culture and heritage. The design motifs were crafted in the form of nature, flora and fauna and traditional handicraft which is found in Malaysia.

5 sen

Destar Siga

The 'destar siga' cloth is an indigenous form of fabric weaving that originates from the Kadazan Dusun tribe in Sabah. Used as a headdress during traditional ceremonies, it is woven mainly from yarns of black thread and accented by multi-coloured threads into various geometric patterns and flora and fauna inspired motifs. On the new 5 sen coin, the 'destar siga' pattern is prominently featured, accompanied by the 'sulur kacang' as a background motif.

10 sen

Orang Asli Motif

The 'orang asli' (aboriginal tribes) of Malaysia are talented in weaving indigenous leaves and plants into decorative items such as headbands, sashes and skirts for traditional rituals and ceremonies. Each tribe have their own weave pattern that is often inspired by their belief system and surrounding environment. On the new 10 sen coin, this heritage is represented by the unique weave pattern of the Mah Meri tribe in Peninsular Malaysia.

20 sen 

Bunga Melur

The 'bunga melur' or jasmine flower is culturally significant among the three major races in Malaysia. Its aromatic scent makes it an important part of traditional ceremonies like weddings and prayers. It is also a popular motif in traditional arts and crafts like embroidery and silverwork. On the new 20 sen coin, the jasmine flower is featured with a 'destar siga' cloth motif in the background.

50 sen 

Sulur Kacang

The 'sulur kacang' (pea tendrils) motif featured on the new 50 sen coin is popular among traditional woodcarvers and silversmiths. The motif is drawn from the graceful twists and curls of long bean vines, and can be seen embellishing fine jewellery pieces and boxes, in addition to decorating doorways, window frames and wood paneling in traditional wooden homes. Fine lines in the motif background are part of the security features.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fantasy Coin/ Yassin/ Charm

At first glance, it is nothing special about these coins, however, the arts and sentences on these coins make me realise something. It is hide 1001 mysteries behind.
I believe that the coin/ token was not use as money to buy anything but more to inner secret matter. 
These fantasy coin is made by various themes due to the specific objective.

 In my opinion:

(1) Noah's Ark Theme ( Tema Bahtera Nabi Nuh) 

(MGMSabri collection)

Nuh (a.s) is one of prophets. References to him are written in Qur'an through Surah Hud (11: 27-51).
As a prophet, Nuh preached to his people to obey to Allah but only a few of them obey (become a believer). Nuh prayed for deliverance, and Allah told him to build a large ship in preparation for the flood. 

The theme is about "safety". Safe from any disturbance or anything in daily business.

(2) Bird Theme (what kind of bird???)

 (MGMSabri collection)

This bird may be "burung Cenderawasih" / Paradisaea apoda. This bird always narrated or refer to heaven.

This coin featured: Jawi word.
Prosperous and kindness the theme of this coin. 

(3) Old man theme

(MGMSabri collection)

Shows that wise old man bring some container (may be food/ clothes and anything).

 The theme play around prosperous, wisdom and lucky.

(4) A guard with two spears/ javelin theme

 (MGMSabri collection)

Protection from unwanted tragedy/ foe/etc.

"Zulfikar sword" at the reverse meaning that the courage, safety, protection and strong.

Or  may be these coins/tokens as a finger print/ an identity for those people who travelling around the world.
The opinions above just justification from the arts and symbols as stated on the coins/tokens.
Do comment and share the story, please. Thank you.