
Friday, August 20, 2010

FDC Setem 50 Tahun PBSMM

Malaysian Red Crescent Society

In 1864, sixteen countries signed the “Charter”, which brought the Red Cross into existence. It laid down that in war, sick and injured soldiers, friend or foe should be protected, nursed and cared for. This charter came to be known as First Geneva Convention.

Each state within Malaysia and the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan constitute a Branch of the Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) a.k.a PBSMM. Membership of the MRCS is open to all in Malaysia, without discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, station in life, religion or political inclinations.

The year 1998 marks 50 years of humanitarian services by the Red Cross and the Red Crescent movement in Malaysia.


Nas said...

hehehe..pbsm..teringat aku time form 3-5..masok pbsm..tapi haram tak best...
skolah aku aktif krs n pengakap jerk..pbsm cam persatuan yang longlai..hehee

Sabri said...

sama lah...
Org duk ngata PBSM persatuan untuk longlai punya org.
dlm bahasa kasar: Bapuk n etc.
Tpi langsung sab x setuju dgn jolokan tu.
jika org tu ngata n then kemudian dia tercedera ker, n ada PBSMM rawat pasti mereka terdiam dgn cacian mereka sblm ni.
apa pun buat je apa yg kita suka selagi x menyalahi hukum Allah.

BEKOK said...

lagi satu, chinese suka masuk PBSM, pastu diorg nih mmg sungguh2 punya... hehehe...

MGMSabri said...

sab pun prnh masuk PBSMM.
Dulu cita2 mau jadi doktor, tu yg masuk tu.